Are Voting Machines Secure?
Do you lock your house before you leave? Do you think an intruder will still find a way in if he really tries?
This is the same with voting machines, or other computer systems. You cannot prevent them from being accessed if someone really wants to get in.
No method is secure: ES&S, Dominion, & Hart InterCivic CEOs House Administration Committee testimony on election security, Jan 9, 2020.

Technology Now
Do you really believe...
that it is a coincidence when you see an ad on social media for an item that you just talked about with your friend? Do you think technology cannot be used to change your vote? This is called an algorithm.
What is an algorithm? “An algorithm is simply set of steps used to complete a specific task They’re the building blocks for programming, and they allow things like computers, smartphones, and websites to function and make decisions.”
Clinton Curtis testifying at Ohio senate hearing on December 13, 2004.
People Make Mistakes
Do you really believe...
that a programmer or bad actor can do less damage during the vote tallying process than people hand counting our ballots?
Two voting machine vendors are selling systems in our state right now: Hart InterCivic and ES&S.
Wireless modems in tabulators: ES&S, Dominion, & Hart InterCivic CEOs House Administration Committee testimony on election security, Jan 9, 2020.

Or is it a Mistake?
Do you really think...
you would go to a university or college that was not accredited? Would you send your kids to a college that was not accredited? Would you hire someone you did not know who has a diploma from a non-accredited university?
The two Voting System Test Laboratories (VSTLs) were not accredited in 2020. These VSTLs were responsible for certifying the voting machines across the country.
ES&S & Pro V&V explained.
Hart InterCivic & SLI Compliance explained.